28 Dec 2014

Origami - Node transformer tutorial part 1

Tags: xquery, xml, html, origami

In this tutorial I will show how you can build and use node transformers to perform small transformations such as convert a sequence of values into an HTML list.

Node transformers are functions that can be composed (using combinator functions such as xf:do, xf:each and xf:at). Most node transformers are functions that when invoked with a single input sequence perform a transformation.

Take a simple node transformer such as created by the single argument xf:wrap function.


This will return a node transformer function that takes one argument, the input sequence.

You can call it with an input sequence.


But xf:wrap also defines a two-argument version. This does the same as the previous call. You won’t get access to the node transformer function itself though, so you cannot re-use it.

xf:wrap((<li>a</li>,<li>b</li>,<li>c</li>), <ul/>)

All Origami node transformers use this convention which means they can be called with the arrow operator.

(<li>a</li>,<li>b</li>,<li>c</li>) => xf:wrap(<ul/>)

The other concept is transformation rules. The combinator functions such as xf:do and xf:each receive an array argument that contains a sequence of node transformer functions. The combinator function composes these node transformer functions into a new function which is also a node transformer.

The xf:do function applies the composed node transformation to all then nodes, whereas the xf:each function will apply it to each node indivdually.

('a','b','c') => xf:each([xf:text(), xf:wrap(<li/>)])

Enough explaining. If this doesn’t make sense right now, it probably will with an example.

Creating a list

Assume that we have a sequence of atomic values:


We want to render this as an HTML list.


This would do.

  for $item in ('a',10,true()) 
    <li>{ $item }</li> 

But, let’s assume that we want to convert multiple sequences of values. We want a re-usable function. No problem.

let $input := ('a',10,true())
let $list := function($nodes) {
        for $item in $nodes
            <li>{ string($item) }</li> 

Now let’s use Origami to do the same.

Take the first example.

  => xf:each([xf:text(), xf:wrap(<li/>)])
  => xf:wrap(<ul/>)

This uses the arrow operator. To show what this operator does, here is the equivalent code without the arrow operator.

    [xf:text(), xf:wrap(<li/>)]

Let’s step through it. We have to unravel the code from the inside out. Assume $n represents the current sequence of nodes, starting with ('a',10,true()).

xf:each($n, [xf:text(), xf:wrap(<li/>)]) 

This takes each item from the input sequence separately (the atomic values 'a', 10 and true()) and applies the node transformation rule to it. First the value is converted into a proper text node (xf:text) and then it is wrapped in an li element.

Then we need to wrap this whole sequence in an ul element.

xf:wrap($n, <ul/>) 

This time the $n consists of the sequence of three li elements and this is wrapped into a new ul element.

Essentially, the arrow “threads” the left-hand side through the function on the right-hand side in place of it’s first parameter (the $n). In Origami all node transformers are functions that as their first argument take a sequence of input nodes. This makes it easy to “thread” operations like this example together using the arrow operator. This often makes these types of transforms easier to read and readable from left-to-right instead of inside-out.

However, we want to be able to re-use this as a function. Again we can turn to a combinator function such as xf:do or xf:each. Instead of directly invoking the functions we build, or compose, one über-function that takes the input nodes as it’s single argument. Each sequence of transformations is provided to xf:do and xf:each as an array. Try to mentally translate the example that uses the arrow operator to the composition into an über-function below.

let $input := ('a',10,true())
let $list := xf:do([
    xf:each([xf:text(), xf:wrap(<li/>)]),

By using the two “combinator” functions xf:do and xf:each you can build little transformation “engines” or functions composed of other small functions. These combinator functions connect tranformation rules, or pipelines (formed by the array arguments - which provide a nice syntactic cue).

Finally, let’s make one more addition which will show how to add your own custom functions to these transformations.

let $input := ('a',10,true())
let $uc := function($n) { upper-case(string($n)) }
let $list := xf:do([
    xf:each([$uc, xf:text(), xf:wrap(<li/>)]),


That’s it for this tutorial. The next part will describe how to create a table using node transformers and introduce another combinator function called xf:at.

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