23 Dec 2014

Origami - HTML view templates

Tags: xquery, xml, html, origami

It’s been a while and work has progressed. Soon I will be tagging Origami as 0.4. I have revised my old posts so the code examples work with the current code. I will also be updating the project wiki pages.

The first post introduced xf:transform to build small transformations similar to XSLT. The second introduced another useful type of transformation using the xf:extract function and I showed how to implement a little screen-scraping example using it.

Now I want to combine both flavors of transformation and introduce the xf:template function to create an HTML view from several template files. I will be piecing the view together from three different HTML files. Without introducing templating markup into the HTML.

The code in this example is a bit more involved but once you worked through the code, I hope, you will appreciate it. Like in the screenscraper post, this example is copied from an Enlive tutorial. Enlive is a great example of a templating library. It keeps all code where it belongs, in the code, and doesn’t introduce any markup into the template documents. Separation of concerns avant la lettre. Implementing a moderately complex Enlive example will be a neat testcase for Origami.

One word of warning, though, before I start. I lean very heavily on the functional features that are part of XQuery 3.0 and 3.1 and also on evaluating dynamic XPath strings. Some of my tests showed that this approach has a performance penalty and if you expect to be able to express more complex XSLT-type transformations using this library you will be disappointed.

My guiding design principles are simplicity and composability. Not performance. First I want to make it work well, then I can, hopefully, also make it faster.

Some other limitations that still exist I will address in the next release (0.5), this includes namespace support and more thorough testing.

Introducing templates

In previous posts I discussed two kind of transformations: extractors (xf:extract) and transformers (xf:transform). The former uses rules to pick specific nodes out of a document. The latter uses rules to transform a complete document.

Now it’s time to introduce the missing function: xf:template. This function uses both of these transformation types.

But first we need to have some template files to work with. In this example there are three HTML files:

  • base.html contains the page “shell”, the HTML document which contains the main areas of the view (title, header, main content area and footer).

  • 3col.html contains HTML to divide the main content area in three columns.

  • navs.html contains three navigation panels that we’ll plug into the main area.

The source for this example can be found on Github in particular nolen.xq and nolen_rest.xqm.

The XQuery code starts with the usual declarations (you may have to modify the path to the Origami core module) and an option that sets the output serialization to HTML (which, among other things, ensures that empty elements are output with HTML syntax rules). The last clause declares a convenience function for loading a template relative to the code directory.

import module namespace xf = 'http://xokomola.com/xquery/origami'
    at '../core.xqm';

declare option output:method "html";

let $tpl := function($name) {
  xf:html-resource(file:base-dir() || $name)

The main focus of this post is the xf:template function. It comes in two flavors.


The first flavor requires two arguments. The first argument provides the template nodes, the second provides the transformation rules.

    ['*[@id="title"]', xf:content(text { 'The Title' }) ],
    ['*[@id="header"]', xf:content(text { 'The Header' }) ],
    ['*[@id="main"]', xf:content(text { 'Main content area' }) ],
    ['*[@id="footer"]', xf:content(text { 'The Footer' }) ]

If you read the first post of this series, you recognize this is similar to a transformer created with xf:transform. Well, to make this a proper template we need to be able to provide input data that will be used as content for the various areas.

When providing a sequence of rules xf:template will return a function without any arguments. This doesn’t have to stop you from directly including code in the transform part of each rule but that is not much of a template.

To make the template function use arguments you need to use a model function. So let’s create a model function that pushes data into the template.

let $base := xf:template(
    function($data as map(*)) {
      ['*[@id="title"]', xf:content($data('title')) ],
      ['*[@id="header"]', xf:content($data('header')) ],
      ['*[@id="main"]', xf:content($data('main')) ],
      ['*[@id="footer"]', xf:content($data('footer')) ]  

The $base variable is a function that receives a map and it will use the model rules to include the data in the correct places. So xf:template glues input template and the transformation model rules together to create a function that can be called like this:

$base(map { 'title': 'The title', 'header': 'The Header })

This will output the base template with the title and header replaced.


To use the other templates we cannot use the whole document, we need to select only specific parts. Hey, that’s just what xf:extract already does! Indeed. So just as the two argument flavor of xf:template provides xf:transform functionality, the three argument flavor of xf:template provides xf:extract functionality.

For example the three column template.

let $three-col :=
    function ($left, $middle, $right) {
      ['div[@id="left"]', xf:content($left) ],
      ['div[@id="middle"]', xf:content($middle) ],
      ['div[@id="right"]', xf:content($right) ]

The extra (second) argument is a node selector that picks out the main div element from the HTML file. The model is provided as an anonymous function as it’s not needed in other places.

Now I do the same for the three navigation panels. Here I choose to define the model in a named function because it will be re-used for all three panels.

let $nav-model := function($list as element(list)) {
     xf:content(xf:text(count($list/item))) ],
     xf:replace(for $item in $list/item return <div>{ string($item) }</div>) ],
   ['div[text()]', () ]

This is typical for this type of templating. We push the content in the correct places but we sometimes also need to remove some example text that the template may hold (see the div[text()] rule).

At this point I have to note that xf:template will inspect the model in order to decide what type of function to return. However, it will only use functions with 4 arguments or less. This seems like a reasonable value. If you need more it may be better to use something like a map instead. Your models may use any type of data even other XML nodes. It’s up to you.

Here are the three navigation panels that use this model.

let $nav1 := xf:template($tpl('navs.html'), ['div[@id="nav1"]'], $nav-model)
let $nav2 := xf:template($tpl('navs.html'), ['div[@id="nav2"]'], $nav-model)
let $nav3 := xf:template($tpl('navs.html'), ['div[@id="nav3"]'], $nav-model)

Now anytime you want to render a list in one of these panels it’s a matter of providing the list.


Baking the cake

Origami templates let you use all the power of XQuery and there are many ways to combine these functions to create a flexible view system.

First a simple view without content. By now you won’t be surprised when I tell you that a view is …. just another function.

let $viewa := function() {
    map {
      'title': "View A", 
      'main': $three-col((),(),())

What’s happening here? When calling this function the $base template function is called with a map with a title and some main content. This main content is created by calling the $three-col function with the three arguments ($left, $middle and $right). In this case they are empty which means as much as don’t change the existing content.

Another view.

let $viewb := function($left, $right) {
    map {
      'title': "View B", 
      'main': $three-col($left, (), $right)

Almost the same except that it takes two arguments, one for the left column and one for the right column. This content is passed through to the $three-col template, leaving the middle column like it was.

And yet another.

let $viewc := function($action) {
  let $navs :=
    if ($action = 'reverse') then
      ($nav2, $nav1)
      ($nav1, $nav2)
      map {
        'title': "View C",
        'header': "Templates a go-go",
        'footer': "Origami Template",
        'main': $three-col($navs[1](), (), $navs[2]())

This demonstrates that you can use any trick in the XQuery book to use the view arguments and turn them into calls into the templates. In this case when you ask for $view('reverse') it will swap the two navigation panels.

Eating the cake

I have included two code examples based on the example in this post. The first can be run as a stand-alone XQuery script. The other is slightly different but shows how to use this code in a RESTXQ web application.

The declarations for the different functions are slightly different because RESTXQ uses an XQuery module but otherwise the code is the same.

To wire-up a template function using RESTXQ you should define a handler function that invokes the template function. This may take arguments from the HTTP request to modify the view or which data is fetched.

    function app:main() {
            map { 
                'title': 'My Index', 
                'header': 'A boring header', 
                'footer': 'A boring footer',
                'main': $app:three-col(

I didn’t show how the CSS file is served. A better way to do this would be to serve it via Jetty directly (by modifying web.xml) and not via another REST call as I did in the example.

Wrap up

This was a long post and a lot of new things have been introduced. In the next post I will use this example and hook it up to the Web using Fold (another library I created) but you may already start now by using RESTXQ for example.

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