18 Nov 2014

Origami - XQuery screen scraping with Extractors

Tags: xquery, xml, html, origami

2014-12-23: updated for Origami 0.4

In a previous post I introduced Origami and showed a little transformation “engine” inspired by XSLT. In this post I want to look at extracting nodes from an XML or, in this case, an HTML document.

I want to build a little screen scraper that returns the New York Times headline stories from it’s frontpage. This example is similar to the example in David Nolen’s Enlive tutorial.

If you can’t wait you can take a look at the example code.

Extracting nodes

Selecting nodes from an XML document is the bread and butter of XPath and something which can be done directly in regular XQuery code. Why wrap it in a library function?

  • To decomplect the process of selecting and extracting nodes from HTML documents (the longer term goal being to use them for templating).

  • To compose extraction processes from smaller re-usable functions.

  • To make such code easier to read which probably translates to easier to maintain.

Not convinced? Need proof? Good. Let me build a screen scraper that will fetch the headline stories from the New York Times frontpage.

let $url := 'http://www.nytimes.com'
let $input := xf:fetch-html($url)

Simple enough. The $input variable now contains an XML document which was parsed from the New York Times frontpage using the TagSoup parser that comes with BaseX.

Most of the HTML found in the wild is not nearly as neatly structured as a markup-geek like me would like. It’s tag soup. Hence, the name of the process that tries to extract meaningful information from it: screen scraping. That doesn’t sound like a very clean process, does it?

What’s more, the developers from the web site will probably not inform me when they modify their HTML so my little screen scraper may fail at any moment.

To find the pieces of information in such a tag soup I have to go in and look at the source. One way to do this is looking at it from a web browser using it’s development tools. Another way is to save the parsed XML and then use an XML IDE such as Oxygen to study it using some XPath queries. Or a combination of the two.

Using the Clojure tutorial example, and some digging of my own I came up with a way to select the story elements from the parsed HTML.

let $stories := 
    ['article[contains(@class, "story")]']
=> 130

It found 130 ‘stories’ but from looking at the web site I figure many of these are not real stories. Studying the output confirms this. I’ll get back to that near the end of this post.

The $stories variable contains a function that, when provided with some input nodes, will search for nodes matching the provided XPath expression.

You may wonder why, when xf:at can be used to extract nodes from the input document. When I tested this I found 131 stories with xf:at. This is caused by a ‘story’ article wrapped inside another one. The xf:extract will ensure that only the unique nodes are returned, that they are in document-order and that no node will also be a descendant of another node. Under the hood the extractor will convert the rules passed in with xf:at but it will do a little cleanup before returning the extracted nodes. Something that xf:at doesn’t do.

let $stories := xf:extract((
        ['article[contains(@class, "story")]'],
        ['article[contains(@class, "fairy-tale")]']

To get the meaningful bits from each story we need a few more extractors. All of these will act upon a story node selected above.

let $select-headline := xf:at(['(h2|h3|h5)//a', xf:text()])
let $select-byline := xf:at(['*[contains(@class,"byline")]', xf:text()])
let $select-summary := xf:at(['*[contains(@class,"summary")]', xf:text()])

Note that the xf:text() will return () instead of an empty string when there is no text to be found in the node.

Let’s apply them to each story and output some XML.

for $story in $stories($input)
    $headline =>  xf:wrap(<headline/>),
    $byline => xf:wrap(<byline/>),
    $summary => xf:wrap(<summary/>)

Like with xf:text, xf:wrap and most other node transformer functions are “null safe” meaning that in case an empty sequence is passed to them they will do nothing or just return the empty sequence, instead of, in this case, leaving an empty element.

It should be obvious by now that selectors and extractors can be combined or composed in various ways. A selector for a specific job may be re-used in different contexts. After all, they are just functions.

The selector first looks for nodes satisfying the XPath expression, then each of them is transformed into a text node and in the last step this text node is wrapped in a new element. The result will be much more appealing to a markup-geek like me. Much more so than a bunch of HTML tags.

Removing incomplete stories is now a no-brainer. The following FLOWR-expression takes care of that.

for $story in $stories($input)
  let $headline := $select-headline($story)
  let $byline :=  $select-byline($story)
  let $summary := $select-summary($story)
  where $headline and $byline and $summary
      $headline =>  xf:wrap(<headline/>),
      $byline => xf:wrap(<byline/>),
      $summary => xf:wrap(<summary/>)

Mission accomplised we can get neat, semantic XML scraped from a live web page. Let’s run it now.

  <headline>Unlikely Allies, Insurers and Obama Defend Health Law</headline>
  <byline>By ROBERT PEAR</byline>
  <summary>Antagonism over profits and regulation has given way to rising 
  revenue for an industry, and legal and logistical support for the Obama 
  <headline>Obstacle to Obama’s Immigration Plan: His Own Statements</headline>
  <byline>By MICHAEL D. SHEAR</byline>
  <summary>By using an executive order, President Obama is poised to ignore 
  his longtime opposition to a decision that would shield immigrants from 
  deportation without an act of Congress.</summary>

Custom transformer functions

You are not limited to using the provided functions only. The code for xf:wrap serves as a simple example for such a custom function.

declare function xf:wrap($node) {
    function($nodes) {
        element { node-name($node) } {
            $node/@*, $nodes

The returned function should take one argument (the input nodes) and produce some output nodes (in this case an element). The input nodes are provided by the extractor function when you run it.

Selecting on HTML class attributes

One final touch that I would like to add is a more correct way to select on the class attribute. Doing contains(@class, 'foo') is not correct because this would also match something like <div class="foobar"/>. To do it correctly you can use 'foobar' = tokenize(@class, '\s+') but this would not read very well inside a selector. In an XPath expression you can use the $in convenience function to do this without the clutter.

let $select-byline := xf:at(['*[$in(@class, "byline")]', xf:text()])

Wrap up

I have shown that coding a screen scraper in XQuery can be fun and even lead to pretty code.

Next, I want to incorporate the same techniques used for the Extractors into the Transformers. Along the way I’ll probably be refactoring the code once more so do expect changes to how things work. Welcome to the cutting edge.

All this should conclude the groundwork necessary for building out the full templating functionality which will be needed before calling this 1.0.

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